As a Cub Scout, you have a chance to earn three badges - Bobcat, Wolf, and
Bear. A Cub may also have gotten some Arrow Points and Progress Toward Ranks
But in Webelos Scouting, a Webelos Scout can earn 22 badges! First, there are 20
Activity Badges. A Webelos Scout can earn all 20 or as many as he likes. To
assist the Webelos Scout along the road towards earning his Activity Badges, the
Compass Points Emblem is awarded as an incentive.
Activity Badges are metal emblems that are pinned on the Webelos Colors. A
Webelos Scout can earn them by completing the requirements during Den/Patrol
meetings and at home.
Some Activity Badges are for sports like swimming, boating, baseball, and
basketball. Others are for crafts. Still others are earned by exploring careers
like engineering and Geology. Most of the Activity Badges will help you prepare
to become a Boy Scout.
The 20 Activity Badges are shown above. For the Webelos Badge and Arrow of Light
Award, you must earn certain badges. Be sure to check which ones you need when
you start working on the Webelos Badge and Arrow of Light Award.
The twenty Activity Badges are divided into five groups of four activities each.
The groups and requirements are below.
Do Both Of These:
Jump into water over your head. Level off and swim 100 feet, at least half
of this using the elementary backstroke.
Stay in the water after the swim and float on your back in a resting
position with as little motion as possible for one minute.
And Do Three Of These:
Do a surface dive and swim under water for two strokes before coming up.
Swim on the surface for 50 feet, while properly using a mask, fins, and a
Demonstrate three basic water rescue methods. Demonstrate reaching and
throwing. Describe going with support.
Know the rules of small-boat safety. Show that you know how to handle a
Put on a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) that is the right size for you.
Make sure it is properly fastened. Wearing the PFD, jump into water over
your head. Show how the PFD keeps your head above water by swimming 25 feet.
Get out of the water, remove the PFD, and hang it where it will dry.
While you are a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Sports Belt Loop for
Do This:
Explain what it means to be physically healthy. While you are a Webelos
Scout, earn the Cub Scout Sports Pin for Physical Fitness.
And Do Five Of These:
Lie on your back. Have another person hold your feet to the floor and do
30 curl-ups.
Do two pull-ups on a bar.
Do eight pushups from the ground or floor.
Do a standing long jump of at least 5 feet.
Do a vertical jump and reach of at least nine inches.
Do a 50-yard dash in 8.2 seconds or less.
Do a 600-yd run(or walk) in 2 minutes 45 seconds or less.
FITNESS (Required for Arrow of Light and Webelos Badge)
Do Six Of These:
With a parent or other adult family member complete a safety notebook,
which is discussed in the pamphlet "How to Protect Your Children from
Child Abuse" found in the front of the Webelos Book.
Read the meal planning information in this chapter of the Webelos Book.
With a parent or other family member, plan a week of meals. Explain what
kinds of meals are best for you and why.
Keep a record of your daily meals and snacks for a week. Decide whether
you have been eating foods that are good for you.
Tell an adult member of your family about the five bad effects smoking or
chewing tobacco would have on your body.
Tell an adult member of your family four reasons why you should not use
alcohol and how it could affect you.
Tell an adult member of your family what drugs could do to your body and
how they would affect your ability to think clearly.
Read the booklet "Don't Be Tricked by Drugs: A Deadly Game!"
Discuss it with an adult and show that you understand the material.
Do All Of These:
Show the signals used by officials in one of these sports: football,
basketball, baseball, soccer, or hockey.
Explain what good sportsmanship means.
While you are a Webelos Scout, earn Cub Scout Sports Belt Loops for two
individual sports (Archery, Badminton, Bicycling, Bowling, Fishing, Golf,
Gymnastics, Marbles, Physical Fitness, Skating, Skiing, Swimming, Table
Tennis, Tennis).
While you are a Webelos Scout, earn Cub Scout Sports Belt Loops for two
team sports (Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, or
Do Five Of These:
Draw or paint an original picture, using the art material you prefer.
Frame the picture for your room or home.
List the primary and secondary colors. Explain what happens when you
combine colors.
Using a computer, make six original designs using straight lines, curved
lines, or both.
Draw a profile of a member of your family.
Use clay to sculpt a simple object.
Make a mobile, using your choice of materials.
Create a collage that expresses something about yourself.
Do Three Of These:
Have a good record in attendance, behavior, and grades at school.
Take an active part in a school activity or service.
Discuss with your teacher or principal the value of having an education.
List in writing some important things you can do now because of what
you've learned in school.
And Do Three Of These:
Trace through history the different kinds of schools. Tell how our present
public school system grew out of these early schools.
Make a chart showing how your school system is run.
Ask a parent and five other grown-ups these questions:
What do you think are the best things about my school?
What are its main problems?
What do you think were the best answers?
List and explain some of the full-time positions in the education field.
Help another student with schoolwork. Tell what you did to help.
Choose One Set Of Requirements For This Badge From:
Do Four Of These:
Write a puppet play about one of your Webelos Den/Patrol activities or a
subject of your choice.
Make a set of puppets or marionettes for the play you have written or for
another play.
Build a simple stage for puppets or marionettes.
Alone or with the help of others, put on a puppet show for your Den/Patrol
or Pack.
Make a set of four paper bag puppets for a singing group. With the help of
three other Den/Patrol members, sing a song with the puppets as the
There are sock, stick and finger puppets. There are paper bag puppets, and
marionettes. Explain their differences and show any puppets you have made
for this badge.
Do Four Of These:
Play four tunes on any band or orchestra instrument.
Read these from music.
Sing two songs alone or with a group.
Make a collection of three or more records, tapes, or compact discs. Tell
what you like about each one.
Tell what folk music is. Hum, sing, or play a folk tune on a musical
Name three American composers. Name a famous work by each.
Draw a staff. Draw on it a clef, sharp, flat, natural, note, and rest.
Tell what each is used for.
Show the difference between 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time by beating time or
playing an instrument.
Do Four Of These:
Give a monologue (a talk) on a patriotic, humorous, holiday
subject, or another subject of your choice.
Attend a play. Describe the story. Tell what you liked about it.
Read a play. Make a model stage setting for one of the acts.
Write, put on, and take part in a one-act play.
Make a list of stage directions. Tell what they mean.
Describe a theater-in-the-round. What are its good and bad points?
Explain the difference between a grand opera and a light opera. Explain
the difference between a musical and a play.
Read about William Shakespeare. Draw a picture of his Globe Theater.
Do Five Of These:
Get a map or timetable from a railroad, bus line, airline, subway, or
light rail. The line should serve the place where you live or where you
live. Look up some places it goes.
Use a timetable to plan a trip from your home to a city in another state
by railroad, bus, airline, or ferry.
With your parent or guardian, take a trip to a place that interests you.
Go by car, bus, boat, train, or plane.
Figure out what it costs per mile for the trip you have taken in
Requirement 3 (above).
List four nearby trips you would like to take with your parents or
guardian. Lay out the trips on a highway map. Using the map, act as
navigator on one of these trips. It should start at your home, be at least
25 miles long, and have six or more turns.
Pack a suitcase for a trip.
Check the first aid kit in the family car to see if it contains what it
CITIZEN (Required for Arrow of Light)
Do All Of These:
Know the names of the President and Vice-President of the United States.
Know the names of the Governor of your state and the head of your local
Describe the flag of the United States and give a short history of it.
With another Webelos Scout helping you, show how to hoist and lower the
flag, how to hang it horizontally and vertically on a wall, and how to fold
Explain why you should respect your country's flag. Tell some of the
special days you should fly it in your state. Tell when to salute the flag
and show how to do it.
Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance from memory. Explain its meaning in your
own words. Lead your Webelos Den/Patrol in reciting the pledge.
Tell how our National Anthem was written.
Explain the rights and duties of a citizen of the United States. Explain
what a citizen should do to save our natural resources.
Alone or with your Webelos Den/Patrol, do a special Good Turn. Help your
church or other religious organization, school, neighborhood, or town. Tell
what you did.
And Do Two Of These:
Tell about two things you can do that will help law enforcement agencies.
Visit a community leader. Learn about the duties of the job or office.
Tell the members of your Webelos Den/Patrol what you have learned.
Write a short story of not less than 50 words about a former U.S.
president or some other great American. Give a report on this to your
Webelos Den/Patrol.
Tell about another boy you think is a good citizen. Tell what he does that
makes you think he is a good citizen.
List the names of three people you think are good citizens. They can be
from any country. Tell why you chose each of them.
Tell why we have laws. Tell why you think it is important to obey the law.
Tell about three laws you obeyed this week.
Tell why we have government. Explain some ways your family helps pay for
List four ways in which your country helps or works with other nations.
Name three organizations, not churches or or other religious
organizations, in your area that help people. Tell something about what
one of these organizations does.
Do Seven Of These:
Play the Body Language Game with your Den/Patrol.
Prepare and give a three-minute talk to your Den/Patrol on a subject of
your choice.
Invent and use a sign language or a picture writing language and use it to
tell someone a story.
Identify and discuss with your Den/Patrol as many different methods of
communication as you can (at least six different methods).
With your Den/Patrol, visit a library and talk to a librarian. Learn how
books are cataloged to make them easy to find.
Visit the newsroom of a newspaper, radio, or television station and find
out how they receive information.
Write an article about a Den/Patrol activity for your Pack newsletter or
local newspaper.
Invite a person with a visual, speaking, or hearing impairment to visit
your Den/Patrol. Ask about special ways s/he communicates. Discover how well
you can communicate with him/her.
Use a personal computer to write a letter to a friend or relative. Create
your letter, check it for grammar and spelling, and save it to either a hard
drive or a diskette. Print it.
Under the supervision of a parent or adult, search the Internet and
connect to five Web sites that interest you.
Exchange e-mail with a friend or relative.
Earn the Academics Belt Loop for Computers.
Earn the Academics Belt Loop for Communicating.
Find out about jobs in communications. Tell your Den/Patrol what you
Do All Of These:
Tell what is meant by family, duty to family, and family meetings.
Make a chart showing the jobs you and other family members have at home.
Talk with your family about other jobs you can do for the next two months.
Inspect your home and surroundings. Make a list of hazards or lack of
security that you find. Correct one problem that you found and tell what you
Explain why garbage and trash must be disposed of properly.
Make a list of some things for which your family spends money. Tell how
you can help your family save money.
Plan your own budget for 30 days. Keep track of your daily expenses for
seven days.
And Do Two Of These:
Prepare a family energy-savings plan. Tell the things you did to carry it
Tell what your family does for fun. Make a list of fun things your family
might do for little cost. Do one of them with a member of your family.
Learn how to clean your home properly. Help do it for one month.
Show that you know how to look after your clothes. Help with at least two
family washes.
Help plan the meals for your family for at least one week. With adult
supervision, help buy the food and help prepare at least three meals for
your family.
Take part in at least four family meetings and help make decisions. The
meetings might involve plans for family activities, or they might be about
serious topics that your parent wants you to know about.
READYMAN (Required for Arrow of Light)
Do All Of These:
Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
Explain how you can get help quickly if there is an emergency in your
home. Make a "help list" of people or agencies that can help you
if you need it. Post it near a phone or other place with easy access.
Show what to do for these "hurry cases": Serious bleeding,
stopped breathing, internal poisoning, and heart attack.
Show how to treat shock.
Show first aid for the following: Cuts and scratches, burns and scalds,
and choking.
Tell what steps must be taken for a safe swim with your Webelos
Den/Patrol, Pack, family, or other group. Explain the reasons for the buddy
And Do Two Of These:
Explain six rules of safety you should follow when driving a bicycle.
Plan a home fire escape plan for your family.
Explain how to use each item in a first aid kit for a home or car.
Tell where accidents are most likely to happen inside and around your
Explain six safety rules you should remember when riding in a car.
Attend a first aid demonstration at a Boy Scout Troop meeting, a Red Cross
Center, or other place.
Do All Of These:
Explain how to safely handle the tools that you will use for this activity
With adult supervision and using hand tools, construct two different
wooden objects you and your Webelos Leader agree on, such as the items
listed below. Use a coping saw or jigsaw for these projects. Put them
together with glue, nails, or screws. Paint or stain them.
Book Rack - Napkin Holder - Shelf
Animal Cutouts - Bulletin Board - Garden Tool Rack
Weather Vane - Lid Holder - Tie Rack
Mailbox - Letter Holder - Birdhouse
Notepad Holder - Desk Nameplate - Toolbox
Letter, Bill, or Pencil Holder - Towel Rack
Bread Box - Recipe Holder - Key Rack
Lamp Stand - Measuring Cup Rack - Kitchen Knife Rack
Measuring Spoon Rack - Kitchen Utensil Rack
Make a display stand, or box to be used to display a model or an award. Or
make a frame for a photo or painting. Use suitable material.
Make four useful items using materials other than wood that you and your
Webelos den leader agree on, such as clay, plastic, leather, metal, glass,
paper, rubber, or rope. These should be challenging items and must involve
several operations
Do Five Of These:
List ten different things engineers do.
Visit a construction job. Look at a set of plans. Tell your Webelos Leader
about these. (Get permission before you visit.)
Visit a civil engineer to understand how to measure the length of a
property line. Explain how property lines are determined.
Tell about how electricity is generated and then gets to your home.
Construct a simple working electrical circuit using a flashlight battery,
a switch, and a light.
Make drawings of three kinds of bridges and explain their differences.
Construct a model bridge of your choice.
Make a block and tackle and show how it works.
Build a catapult and show how it works.
Draw a floor plan of your house. Include doors, windows, and stairways.
Explain how engineers use computers.
Do Six Of These:
With adult supervision, wash a car.
Help an adult change a tire on a car.
With adult supervision, replace a bulb in the taillight, turn signal, or
parking light or replace a headlight on a car.
With adult supervision, show how to check the oil level and tire pressure
on a car.
Make a repair to a bicycle, such as tightening the chain, fixing a flat
tire, or adjusting the seat or handlebars.
Properly lubricate the chain and crank on a bicycle.
Properly inflate the tires on a bicycle.
Replace a light bulb in a fixture or lamp.
With adult supervision, arrange a storage area for household cleaners and
other dangerous materials where small children cannot get them.
Build a sawhorse or stool to be used around your home.
Help take care of the lawn.
Arrange a storage area for hand tools or lawn and garden tools.
Clean and properly store hand tools or lawn and garden tools in their
storage area.
Mark hand tools or lawn and garden tools for identification.
Do All Of These:
Read Bernoulli's Principle. Show how it works.
Read Pascal's Law. Tell about some inventions that use Pascal's law.
Read Newton's first law of motion. Show in three different ways how
inertia works.
And Do Six Of These:
Show the effects of atmospheric pressure.
Show the effects of air pressure.
Show the effects of water pressure. This may be combined with atmospheric
pressure or with air pressure.
Build and launch a model rocket with adult supervision. (NOTE:
You must be at least ten years old to work with a model rocket kit sold in
hobby stores.)
Explain what causes fog. Show how this works.
Explain how crystals are formed. Make some.
Explain how you use your center of gravity to keep your balance. Show
three different balancing tricks.
Show in three different ways how your eyes work together.
Show what is meant by an optical illusion.
Do Five Of These:
Make a map of the United States. Show the types of forests growing in
different parts of the country. Name some kinds of trees that grow in these
forests. For each type of forest, give one or more examples of uses for the
wood of its trees.
Draw a picture to show the plant and tree layers of a forest in your area.
Label the area that does and draw a picture of that forest.
Identify six forest trees common to the area where you live. Tell how both
wildlife and humans use them. (If you don't live in a region that has
forests, read about one type of forest and name six of its trees and their
Identify six forest plants (other than trees) that are useful to
wildlife. Tell which animals use them and for what purposes.
Draw a picture showing:
How water and minerals in the soil help a tree grow.
How the tree uses sunlight to help it grow.
Make a poster showing how a tree's growth rings tell its life history.
Make a chart showing how water and minerals in the soil help a tree grow.
Collect pieces of three kinds of wood used for building houses.
Plant 20 forest tree seedlings. Tell how you planted them and what you did
to take care of them after planting.
Describe the harm wildfires can cause. Tell how you can prevent wildfire.
Draw your own urban forestry plan for adding trees to a street, yard, or
park near your home. Show what types of trees you would like to see planted.
Do Five Of These:
Collect five geologic specimens that have important uses.
Rocks and minerals are used in metals, glass, jewelry, road-building
products, and fertilizer. Give examples of minerals used in these products.
Make a scale of mineral hardness for objects found at home. Show how to
use the scale by finding the relative hardness of three samples.
List some of the geologic materials used in building your home.
Make a drawing that shows the cause of a volcano, a geyser, or an
Explain one way in which mountains are formed.
Describe what a fossil is. How is it used to tell how old a formation is?
Find two examples of fossils in your area.
Do Four Of These:
Keep an "insect zoo" that you have collected. You might have
crickets, ants, or grasshoppers. Study them for a while then release them.
Set up an aquarium or terrarium. Keep it for at least a month.
Visit a museum of natural history, nature center, or zoo with your family,
den, or pack. Tell what you saw.
Watch for birds in your yard, neighborhood, or town for one week. Identify
the birds you see and write down where and when you saw them.
Learn about the bird flyways closest to your home.
Find out which birds use these flyways.
Learn to identify poisonous plants and venomous reptiles found in your
Watch six wild animals (snakes, turtles, fish, birds, or mammals) in the
wild. Describe the kind of place (forest, field, marsh, yard, or park) where
you saw them. Tell what they were doing.
Give examples of:
A producer, a consumer, and a decomposer in the food chain of an
One way humans have changed the balance of nature How you can help protect
the balance of nature?
Do Five Of These:
Show your ability to tie the following knots:
Square knot
Clove hitch
Two half hitches
Taut-line hitch
Pitch a tent using two half hitches and a taut line hitch.
With your adult partner, take part in a Webelos overnighter or camp
overnight with a Boy Scout Troop.
Help with a two-night campout away from home with your family. Or go on two
one-night campouts with your family.
With your family or Webelos Den/Patrol, plan and take part in an evening
outdoor activity that includes a campfire.
Help cook your own lunch or supper outdoors with a parent or another
adult. Clean up afterward.
Know and practice the rules of outdoor fire safety.